Submit to God-Given Authority

This excerpt from The Maxwell Leadership Bible caught my attention this morning. It's one of those teachings that's sometimes hard and sometimes easy - depending on whose authority we're under. Yet there's no exception or caveat provided.

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves."  Romans 13:1-2

"Paul gets practical in how to apply our beliefs to our lives by challenging us to submit to God-given authorities. For children, this means parents; for adults, this means leaders in government, the workplace, and the church."

"Why should we submit? Is it because these leaders are the smartest, most reliable individuals on earth? No. God simply provides us with an authority test. Before we will ever become leaders of integrity, we must learn to follow other leaders, regardless of differences. In fact, the acid test of character comes when we disagree with legitimate authorities. When we refuse to demand our own way and instead submit to others, our hearts are right. This is when God can trust us to lead others."

Of course the trick is in balancing honor and submission with advocacy when we disagree with an authority over us. Is there room for conscientious objection and even defiance? What about on moral or Bibical grounds? Perhaps - but it's dangerous territory to be sure. As Maxwell points out - the larger work is the development of our own character. So there is a clear burden we bear here. While we defend values and advocate for principles and conventions we believe in, we must also maintain appropriate honor, respect and submission to those in charge. Even if while doing so we are praying for the completion of their tenure. 

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