Like everyone else I've been paying attention to the financial world these days. What a mess! The Dow is dropping like a rock, the President is on T.V. talking crisis, banks are failing, and Congress is spending hundreds of billions (that's with a B) on a big chunk of our private financial sector - which doesn't seem like a good thing in a free-market economy.
So how am I supposed to be feeling right now? Should I be worried? Scared? Depressed? Angry? Should I take action? And if so, do what? Or should I sit tight - and what exactly does that mean?
I was thinking about all this the other day when I took a dollar bill out of my pocket to pay for something and noticed the backside. It had four words printed on it that I had almost forgotten were there... IN GOD WE TRUST. And in that moment I got some sense of clarity about all this.
In the Bible in Acts 27 the apostle Paul and others are sailing along when suddenly they are caught in a major hurricane that threatened their life. Now that sounds like a great metaphor for what we're experiencing in the markets. When I read that story again I realized that their experience provides some insight for us as we navigate through this storm. In fact, that story addresses the most basic questions I have right now: How did we get here? What should I NOT do? And What SHOULD I do?
Just flip on the news. A lot of folks have opinions about that and probably few of them are completely correct. It does seem complicated. But Paul's story about his storm isn't so much. It tells us (vs 9-11) that for starters, they had LISTENED TO THE WRONG COUNSELORS. "... Paul warned them... But they followed the advice of (others)..."
Does that sound familiar? The Bible is full of teachings about carefully handling money, being responsible and accountable, not over-extending, meeting our needs but also being generous in helping others and advancing Kingdom causes. But often times haven't we tended to listen more to other voices? The ones that say, "Buy now & pay later," "You deserve this," "It's only fair," "Everyone else has one" and "You can be generous when you have more."
The Bible is also pretty clear about chosing our decision makers wisely. But once again we have tended to select those in authority over us, not on the basis of biblical principles or evidence of Godly character and integrity and values. But instead, based on what they promise us, how they make us feel, or which party they're in. So now many of our most prominent national leaders navigating us through this storm are the same bunch that led us here in the first place by not paying attention to God's ways. Yep - it seems that, like Paul's story, we've probably listened to the wrong voices.
Paul's story also says that they got caught in the storm because they just FOLLOWED THE CROWD (vs 12)! That sounds about right. Everyone is living this way, buying houses and stuff we can't really afford, spending those credit cards that come in the mail everyday. Credit's easy and every one's doing it. It's the American way, right? Forgetting, of course, that the crowd is rarely right and that God's ways are different from man's ways. That we're to be responsible for our own actions. That Christ-followers are to be salt and light in the world, to set the example, to be different - even peculiar.
So how did we get here? How did our nation's ecomony get in such a mess? Corporate greed? Sure - partly. But that alone comes up a bit short don't you think? After all, greed is not a new sin. It's been around a while. Corrupt officials? Absolutely - some of it. There is plenty of evidence that many in congress have been protecting and collecting from Fannie, Freddie, and others they were "overseeing" and whose collapse seems to have triggered this mess. And we'll probably put some of them in charge again.
But maybe, just maybe, a big part of the problem is us - citizens of America. Even more specifically - Christian citizens. Oh, it's not that we shouldn't buy houses or cars or take vacations. But maybe we have become so comfortable with living in this land of affluence, and so confident in our human financial systems, that we forgotten where our abundance came from in the first place. Maybe we've become so self-sufficient that the foundational truth that our founders boldly stamped on our currency really no longer applies.
Maybe, then, to learn fully who is responsible we need to also take a peak in the mirror. And while doing so, to humbly tell God, as individuals and on behalf of our nation, that we're sorry. Maybe the way back starts by owning some responsibility for taking God's blessings for granted and moving away from dependance on Him. Then, of course, we should probably set out to choose and behave differently.
Now the doing differently part - that's going to take some work. But to start with I've taken one of those dollar bills and placed it face down on my desk. Every day now that eagle and that weird looking eye stare at me, as if to see if I'm still paying attention to their most important message - That it's not In our money we trust, In Wall Street we trust, In our 401k we trust, or even In government we trust. It is, it always has been, IN GOD WE TRUST.
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Thanks for your comment. I will read it as quickly as I can.