6 Things I Love about Kingdom Leaders

As I write this we are set to launch our 2nd Global Impact Celebration at NorthBridge. It's a time when missionaries and ministry leaders come to our campus for 5 days to share their stories. These experiences are like few others for me. They stir my soul and energize my mind. I think I just love being around Kingdom leaders like these - partly because of 6 words...

1. Calling - People don't do what these men and women do without an awareness of God's call on their life. A single life, acting out of a divine calling from a Holy God, is a powerful force for good in this evil world.

2. Mission - Their cause is Jesus' cause - people. It's not about buildings or dollars. They are reaching into the pit of Hell itself and reclaiming souls. They are running into the face brokenness to bring wholeness. They are on the front lines of an unseen war, battling the enemy of God for every single life. They know why they get out of bed in the morning. Because every life matters... to God... and therefore to them!

3. Passion - When Kingdom leaders talk about their work I feel their passion. Whether telling of triumph or heartbreak their stories are punctuated with emotion. Their work matters - and they are sold out to it. This is no 9-5 gig. This is real life and heart and eternity stuff. It touches their soul... and it touches mine.

4.  Character - In spite of isolated exceptions, Kingdom leaders are the most honest, authentic, and hard working people on the planet. They know they represent Christ to the world. Even though they're still human and mess up, they work hard at living with integrity and discipline. While others are fighting for position and possessions these men and women put a serving towel over their arm and ask what needs done.

5. Risk - Kingdom work is hard and playing it safe won't get it done. Helping the hurting and bringing hope to the lost requires sacrifice and innovation. It means trying and failing and learning and trying something else. It means risking relationships and reputation. Sometimes it means putting life itself on the line. But Kingdom leaders believe the cause is worth the risk!

6.  Blessing - Kingdom leaders make God smile! Like a child that brings joy to a parent, God loves those willing to trust and serve Him. He blesses those who work for peace and show compassion. He empowers those who lay it all on the line to show and tell of His great love. He rewards those faithful to His calling. Simply put, God loves Kingdom leaders. And, frankly, I like hanging out with folks who please God.